Amsler Recording Charts, Pad of 50
A pad of 50 Amsler Recording Charts. Features a white grid with black lines that are used by patients to sketch the location of aberrations.
Helps patients monitor their vision at home. Includes blind spot markers to ensure the patient is holding the test at the proper distance. 8.5" x 11" card stock with a matte finish. Package of 50 charts.
The Amsler cards can be customized with your name, address, and phone number (additional charge required).
Note: All products sold on should be used by qualified clinician and should be purchased by or on order of a qualified clinician.
A pad of 50 Amsler Recording Charts. Features a white grid with black lines that are used by patients to sketch the location of aberrations.
Each sheet is intended to be given to a patient to be used at home. Another option would be to give the patient an Amsler Viewer which has the added advantage that it can only be used monocularly...
These viewers provide an Amsler grid in a simple keychain that ensures monocular viewing. Perfect for the patient to take home for daily monitoring. Can be purchased either individually or in a...
Red lines with black squares 8-1/2″ x 5-1/2″ 50 sheets/pkg
This is an expanded version of our popular Amsler Book and provides 7 Amslers and a score sheet master. In addition to the 4 grids we’ve always included, this expanded booklet adds the White Dots,...
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