Bell's Palsy - Symptoms, Causes And Treatment
It is a condition which affects the face muscles. The muscles present on one side of our face gets partially paralyzed or weakened. The eyelid is unable to close properly and one cannot smile evenly. Usually it affects adults. People who are pregnant or have diabetes are susceptible to Bell's palsy. It can also attack people who have a family history of Bell's palsy.
Bell's Palsy Causes
The exact cause is unknown. however according to some doctors it may be because of problems like reduced blood flow to nerve present in the face, viral infection causing facial nerve swelling, problem in immune system.
Bell's Palsy Symptoms
It can appear suddenly and you will clearly notice that you are not able to smile on one side of your face. The feeling is not felt on our face and one cannot speak clearly. Sometimes there is also pain. The eyes become dry, irritating and do not close properly. The vision also gets blurred. Some may even have hearing problem and the inability to taste food. Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. If you do not have feel on both sides of your face then it may be some other condition. The symptoms start improving in three or four weeks and go away in two or three months. However symptoms like reduced paralysis may remain on our face.
Bell's Palsy Treatment
MRI scan is taken to analyse the tissues. There is no treatment for this condition. In most of the cases this condition goes away within few weeks. In some cases, antiviral drugs and corticosteroids are given by ophthalmologists to treat Bell's palsy.