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Dec 17th 2021 Posted by Accuspire

​Carotenoids And Its Health Benefits

It is a known fact that diet and health are interlinked with each other. However many people don’t know that specific diets can reduce various eye risks such as AMD. Prevention is always better than cure. Carotenoids are a type of micronutrients mostly found in carrots as well as other yellow, red, orange as well as dark green vegetables and fruits. The macula, the most sensitive pigment in retina is made up of carotenoids. When the pigment count is less, there is increased risk of having age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Two specific carotenoids, known as zeaxanthin and lutein are helpful in reducing the risk of AMD. They are also important for patients who have undergone wet AMD treatment. They also protect our crystalline lens from cataracts and enhance our vision by reducing glare. Yellow pigment is very important as it absorbs the harmful blue light and protects our eyes.

It is estimated that in an average a person consumes just 2mg of zeaxanthin and lutein on a daily basis. It is very easy to boost this with the help of leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. They are very rich in the two micro nutrients. Some of the other sources are blueberries, lettuce, peas, corn, avocado, pistachio nuts, oranges, eggs etc.

Carotenoids are fat soluble and so it is preferable to add it with healthy fats such as eggs, nuts, avocado, olive oil etc. Consuming it along with fat such as eggs can help by increasing the amount of carotenoids reaching our eyes. Eggs have less micro nutrients when compared to green vegetables but it as rich fat content. Supplements containing micro nutrients can also be added to your diet. They are available as pellets and also contain other micro nutrients such as vitamin E and zinc.

However diet is not the only solution to keep AMD at bay. One must quit smoking and also reduce using digital screens such as mobile and computers. Consult your ophthalmologist and do a comprehensive eye examination.

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