Cellulitis: Causes And Symptoms

Cellulitis: Causes And Symptoms

Posted by Accuspire on Jul 3rd 2020

It is a kind of infection which affects the eyes and skin. Cellulitis is categorized into two types - The first one is preseptal and the second one is orbital. The first condition affects the eyelid tissue only and it is caused mostly among children.

The second condition affects the eye socket and causes of the eyelid to swell. When a person is suffering from this condition, the eyes cannot move properly. This is a very serious condition and must be treated immediately.

Cellulitis Causes:

This condition is caused by a bacterial infection or fungal infection in some cases. A wound on the skin, insect bite, sinus infection, asthma, dental surgery and surgery on the neck and head are some of the other causes for this condition. Sinus problem is very common in cool weather or winter season and so cellulitis can occur in this season mostly. If there is a sinus infection, it spreads to the eyelid and orbit. If there are any wounds it must be cleaned frequently using antiseptic lotion. The infection is capable of spreading quickly and so it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. If it is left untreated it can cause vision loss and can spread throughout the body, especially in children.

Cellulitis Symptoms:

Some of the symptoms of cellulitis are red eyelids, fever, feeling exhausted, vision problem, double vision or blurry vision, problem in moving the eyes, eyelid swelling and bulging eye.

Consult your doctor immediately if you have this condition. People get affected more to the first condition when compared to the second condition.