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​Eye Injury At Home
Jun 12th 2020 Posted by Accuspire

​Eye Injury At Home

We renovate our house usually during winter time and it is a very busy time. When you go to a hardware Store to buy some essential items do not forget to buy a pair of safety glasses. Nearly half a million eye injuries happen in home in United States according to AAO. Most of these injuries can be prevented if we use a protective eyewear.

Many people wear protective glasses when they use power tools but most of the injuries occur while doing everyday household tasks. Nearly 130,000 eye injuries occur a year because of using common house cleaning products such as ammonia or bleach. Using lawn mowers without carefulness contribute to some injuries outside the home. Some other eye injuries include using a hedge trimmer, oil splattering while cooking, load securing with bungee cords, champagne bottle opening etc.

These kinds of injuries can be prevented by using safety eyewear. In case an injury occurs in eyes there are some emergency protocols to be followed. Seek medical attention immediately. Flush the eyes in running water in case small debris is present in the eyes or a chemical burn. Use cold compress and be careful not to apply pressure. Apply bandage on any cuts as it prevents infection. Shield the wound using a cloth. Do not rub the eyes at any cost and also don't forget that you should not apply any ointment acid can make a doctor's examination difficult. If there is a wound or cut do not flush the eyes and do not try to remove any object from the eyes.

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