Facts About Solar Retinopathy
Solar retinopathy damages retina which is light sensitive and present on the back of the eyes. This condition occurs by looking directly at the sun.
Looking directly at the Sun:
When there is a solar eclipse, people are eager to look directly at the Sun and also on during religious rituals, sunbathing etc. However, the Sun is not the only source of damage to our eyes. High - energy light is also responsible to cause damage to our eyes. One of the best examples is arc welders. High beam of light used to illuminate the back of eyes during surgery can also damage the eyes. High energy ultra violet rays are not absorbed by the lens or cornea but can penetrate the retina causing damage. The damage caused is not thermal but photo oxidative effect.
There is sudden vision deterioration because of solar retinopathy and can even last up to a month. Usually it gets away without a treatment. However blind spots can remain on eyes and causing permanent damage to light receptors and these cells cannot reproduce again on their own. So it is advisable not to look directly at the Sun.
Even a minute of exposure to the Sun can damage the eyes. Some of the common symptoms are blind spot in middle vision, blurred vision, distortion in shape of things, headache, sensitivity to light etc. It can occur in one or both the eyes.
It is advised not to look directly at the Sun even with sunglasses. Eclipse glasses are available to look at the Sun during an eclipse.
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