Femtosecond Laser vs. Microkeratome Blade: Which LASIK Method is Best?
LASIK is one of the most common laser eye surgeries. Many people choose LASIK when they grow tired of wearing contact lenses and eyeglasses. If you’re considering LASIK, it’s important to know that there are different types of laser surgeries and various instruments involved in the LASIK procedure.
One popular debate among eye surgeons is the use of the microkeratome blade versus the femtosecond laser. Let's look at what patients and doctors say about each.
To understand both approaches, we can compare them side by side. The first aspect to consider is comfort. Some doctors have noted that patients prefer the microkeratome blade over the femtosecond laser, as the femtosecond laser can cause more discomfort and pressure during the procedure. In terms of recovery time, both procedures are similar; however, patients report blurry vision for about a week after the femtosecond laser, which is less common with the microkeratome. Some studies suggest that visual accuracy is slightly better with the femtosecond laser than with the microkeratome.
The femtosecond laser procedure generally takes longer and is more expensive than the microkeratome procedure. However, flap creation tends to be cleaner and sharper with the femtosecond laser, which also offers the option to create a thinner flap, leading to better post-surgical outcomes. Patients with epithelial basement membrane dystrophy are often advised to choose the femtosecond laser instead of the microkeratome blade.
Selecting the best surgeon is crucial because the eye is an essential and delicate organ. The differences in results largely depend on the skill of the surgeon performing the procedure. Overall, both surgeries have similar outcomes with only minor differences.
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