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Fireworks Eye safety Tips
Jan 20th 2020 Posted by Accuspire

Fireworks Eye safety Tips

Nearly 12000 fireworks related injury require a visit to doctor in US. 1/6 of the injury happens in the eye according to a recent government study in US. Just some precautions are necessary to protect our eyes from firework related injuries.

Never ever leave your children to lit up fireworks on their own. Even sparklers burn at nearly 2000 degree Fahrenheit which is ten times the boiling point of water. Nearly 31 percent of firework injuries are caused by sparklers. Stay at least 500 meters away from the perimeter set on a fireworks show. Most of the injuries are caused to bystanders and not to the person who lights up the fireworks.

Always wear protective eyewear before lighting up a firework. Make sure that the eye wear meets American standards. Never ever pick up fireworks that are ignited or half ignited. It can burst anytime. Never make a firework on your own and always buy fireworks from a licensed dealer. Do not buy fireworks wrapped in brown paper as they are of professional grade and must not be bought for domestic use. Always light one firework at a time and do not try to set up multiple and move away quickly. Never set up any fireworks works inside a container whether it is plastic or glass. Keep a bucket of water ready and douse up used firework.

Steps to take during a firework related injury

Immediately rush to the hospital. Do not rub or apply pressure over eyes. Never try to remove any foreign objects from eyes. Do not take any pain killers such as aspirin as it may cause heavy bleeding. Do not apply any ointment as it makes the injured area slippery during doctor’s examination.

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