Is it Safe to Wear Transition Lenses?
Eye glasses are available in various shapes and sizes. It can be a difficult task for many to choose from various glasses when there are numerous options. One type of lens is the transition lens, which is preferred by many people.
Transition lenses use a photochromic dye system. They darken when exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The darkness of the lens adjusts according to the intensity of ultraviolet light. They become very dark when there is a high amount of sunshine and less dark when the light is dim. At night, when there is no ultraviolet light, they appear clear. They also provide a high percentage of ultraviolet blockage, regardless of the level of tint. This gives them a sunglass feel in an eyeglass form.
Some advantages of transition lenses include their high flexibility and their ability to reduce eye strain, eye fatigue, and glare. They also protect our delicate eyes from sudden and constant light variations. They are available in shatterproof material and come in different designs. They are available in various indexes, ranging from standard to high. Transition lenses can be worn by people with various eye conditions. They change quickly, transitioning from clear to dark within 30 minutes and reaching 75 percent tint. When moving away from ultraviolet rays, they become 70 percent clear within a few minutes. They can adapt to various light conditions and help a person discern objects of different contrasts, brightness, and sizes. There is no need to worry when the lighting conditions change.
Transition lenses are ideal for children as they are perfect users because they spend more time outdoors, where they are exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Transition lenses are essential because the crystalline lens in their eyes is not fully developed. Therefore, the lenses prevent UV rays from passing through and causing damage to the eyes. They are also strongly recommended for people whose vision is at risk when exposed to UV rays. People with diabetes and cataracts may not see clearly at night and have contrast sensitivity. Some medications also cause sensitivity when the patient’s eyes are exposed to direct sunlight. Transition lenses are also recommended for people who have recently undergone eye surgery. For driving purposes, a special kind of transition lens is available that provides comfort and a sunglass-like darkness level.
As there are positive aspects, there are also some negatives. Optimum protection from sunlight is possible when the lenses are large. Transition lenses come in optical frames, which are smaller in size and allow sunlight to pass through the sides, top, and bottom. If you plan to spend long hours in a glaring environment, polarized sunglasses are more effective than transition lenses. However, if you don’t mind carrying both types of glasses at the same time, you can switch according to the lighting conditions.