Types Of Glaucoma
It is shocking information to note that glaucoma is the most leading cause of blindness in aged people. But it can be easily prevented if the treatment is done early.
Angle closure glaucoma and Chronic angle closure glaucoma - Difference:
Angle closure glaucoma is also known as narrow angle glaucoma or closed angle glaucoma. This condition occurs when the eyes iris blocks the drainage angle present in our eyes. As a result the drainage angle gets blocked completely and the eye pressure rises. When it happens suddenly, the condition is called acute attack. This is a very serious condition and must be treated immediately to prevent vision loss. Symptoms of this condition are: vision getting blurred suddenly, severe headache, vomiting sensation, nausea and eye pain.
Chronic angle closure glaucoma:
It develops little by little and hence has this name. The symptoms of this chronic angle closure glaucoma are not clear at first and are not seen until there is severe damage to the eye. It is not also noticeable till the patient has acute angle closure.
The exact cause for this disease is unknown but they suspect some causes like larger lens, thicker iris and a roll on the side of iris which blocks the fluid. People who have family members with angle closure glaucoma, people who are farsighted and have small eyes and larger lens, Inuit or Asian heritage have the risk of getting this condition. A complete examination is the only way to diagnose this disease. During diagnosis, eye pressure is measured drainage angle is inspected. The optic nerve is examined for any damage and peripheral side vision is also tested.
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