LEA NUMBERS® ETDRS Distance Charts with proportionally spaced (logMAR) lines; line sizes ranging from 13/131 to 13/5.2 (4/40 to 4/1.6) equivalent. The other equivalents featured on these charts...
An adult LEA NUMBERS® ETDRS chart for the ETDRS Illuminated light boxes. Fits all existing ETDRS cabinets, including both the ESV3000 and ESC2000. This chart features optotypes in proportionally spaced (logMAR) lines; lines range from 10/100 to 10/4 (3/30 to 3/1.2) equivalent. The other equivalents included are letter size, 20 foot, 6 meter, decimal, and LogMAR.
Test distance: 10 feet/3 meters.
Note: All products sold on Accuspire.com should be used by qualified clinician and should be purchased by or on order of a qualified clinician.
LEA NUMBERS® ETDRS Distance Charts with proportionally spaced (logMAR) lines; line sizes ranging from 13/131 to 13/5.2 (4/40 to 4/1.6) equivalent. The other equivalents featured on these charts...
This chart features proportionally spaced (logMAR) lines; line sizes range from 10/63 to 10/4 (3/19 to 3/1.2) equivalent. The other equivalents featured on this chart are letter size, 20 foot, 6...
This test is designed for vision screening at schools and assessing vision in children with special needs beginning with 5 years of age. Features proportionally spaced (logMAR); line sizes range from...
This Macula chart featuring LEA NUMBERS® is used to determine potential acuity before cataract surgery. Fits into the Super Pinhole Macula Illuminated Cabinet. Features proportionally...
ETDRS low contrast LEA NUMBERS® vision charts with proportionally spaced (geometric progression) lines. Features translucent low contrast letters with line sizes ranging from 13/131 to 13/5.2 (4/40...
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