LEA NUMBERS® Low Vision 60M & 40M Cards
These five LEA NUMBERS® Cards can be used for presentation as single optotypes or arranged in a row as a line test. When the cards are next to each other, the space between the numbers is equal...
These five LEA SYMBOLS® Cards can be used for presentation as single optotypes or arranged in a row as a line test. When the cards are next to each other, the space between the symbols is equal to the width of the symbols. To determine the visual acuity, use the following formula:
VA = Viewing Distance Used(meters) / M-value
Dimensions: 60M cards - 8.6" x 8.6" (21.9 cm x 21.9 cm). 40M cards - 6" x 6" (15.25 cm x 15.25 cm).
Note: All products sold on Accuspire.com should be used by qualified clinician and should be purchased by or on order of a qualified clinician.
These five LEA NUMBERS® Cards can be used for presentation as single optotypes or arranged in a row as a line test. When the cards are next to each other, the space between the numbers is equal...
This low vision book with LEA SYMBOLS® pediatric optotypes is designed for testing severely visually impaired children and adults. The complete book includes testing at 10 ft (3 meters), 5 ft (1...
This test is designed for testing children and adults with visual impairment at a distance of one meter. The largest symbols are 50M in size, corresponding to 1m/50M = to 1/50 or decimal visual...
These playing cards are specially designed to make it easy to measure near visual acuity in young children while teaching concepts of similar/different, big/small, bigger/smaller. The four packs...
Four LEA SYMBOLS® replacement flashcards. Each card has one symbol. Note: All products sold on Accuspire.com should be used by qualified clinician and should be purchased by or on order of...
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