Sloan Letter Linear Spaced Distance Chart for 20 feet (6 meters)
A Sloan Letter linear-spaced distance chart. Features line sizes ranging from 20/80 to 20/16. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200,
A Sloan Letter distance chart. Features linear-spaced lines; line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/8 (20/100 to 20/16) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200, ESV1500, or a Model A+ illuminated cabinet. Lines are labeled with 10 ft and 20 ft notations only.
This chart is recommended by the Texas Department of Public Health for vision testing and screening.
Dimensions: 9" x 14" (22.9 cm x 35.6 cm).
Testing distance: 10 feet/3 meters.
Note: All products sold on Accuspire.com should be used by qualified clinician and should be purchased by or on order of a qualified clinician.
A Sloan Letter linear-spaced distance chart. Features line sizes ranging from 20/80 to 20/16. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200,
These Sloan Letter adult low contrast testing charts are identical to the measurement of visual acuity at a high contrast level; i.e., measures the smallest size of the optotypes that the person can...
An HOTV distance chart with linear-spaced lines; line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/8 (20/100 to 20/16) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200, ESV1500, or a...
A 5% Contrast Sloan Letter vision chart with proportionally spaced (geometric progression) lines; line sizes range from 10/100 to 10/5 (3/30 to 3/1.5) equivalent. The other equivalents featured on...
A Tumbling E distance chart with linear-spaced lines; line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/8 (20/100 to 20/16) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200, ESV1500, or a...
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