
Distance Testing And Screening

  • LEA SYMBOLS® 50% Single Crowded Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® 50% Single Crowded Set

    A set of 30 pediatric acuity cards featuring 2 of the LEA SYMBOLS® optotypes with 50% crowding bars. Each card contains a single symbol with line sizes ranging from 20/200 to 20/8 (6/60 to 6/2.4) equivalent with measurements on the reverse side...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® Crowded Book Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® Crowded Book Set

    The Crowded Symbol Book is designed for testing children and adults who have difficulty reading the optotypes on the big charts. This test is the smallest line test when the central symbol is used as the test symbol. The four symbols surrounding the...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® ETDRS 3 Meter Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® ETDRS 3 Meter Set

    A LEA SYMBOLS® distance visual acuity chart for an ETDRS Illuminator Cabinet like the ESV3000 or ESC2000. Features proportionally spaced (logMAR); line sizes range from 10/100 to 10/4 (3/30 to 3/1.2) equivalent. The other...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® ETDRS 4 Meter Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® ETDRS 4 Meter Set

    An ETDRS chart with LEA SYMBOLS® and proportionally spaced (logMAR) lines; line sizes range from 13/104 to 13/5.2 (4/32 to 4/1.6) equivalent. The other equivalents featured on this chart are letter size, 20 foot, 6 meter, decimal, and LogMAR...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® Linear Spaced Chart

    LEA SYMBOLS® Linear Spaced Chart

    A LEA SYMBOLS® vision chart with linear-spaced lines; line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/5 (3/15 to 3/1.5) equivalent. The other equivalents featured on this chart are letter size, 20 foot, 6 meter, decimal, and LogMAR. This chart can either be...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® Low Vision Chart Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® Low Vision Chart Set

    This test is designed for testing children and adults with visual impairment at a distance of one meter. The largest symbols are 50M in size, corresponding to 1m/50M = to 1/50 or decimal visual acuity 0.02, equivalent values 20/1000, 6/300. The smallest...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® Macula Chart

    LEA SYMBOLS® Macula Chart

    This Macula chart featuring LEA SYMBOLS® is used to determine potential acuity before cataract surgery. Fits into the Super Pinhole Macula Illuminated Cabinet. Features proportionally spaced lines; line sizes range from 20/100 to 20/20...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® MASS Flipchart Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® MASS Flipchart Set

    A pediatric vision screening test with LEA SYMBOLS®. This test was designed specifically for the Massachusetts Preschool Vision Screening Protocol. Includes one practice card, two line sizes of 20/40 for 3 year olds, two lines sizes of 20/32 for 4+...



    A handheld pediatric vision chart with LEA SYMBOLS® designed for amblyopia testing or screening. The 50% spaced rectangles (Massachusetts Visual Acuity Test format) have line sizes from 20/80 to 20/16 (6/24 to 6/4.8) equivalent. This flip chart...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® Playing Cards

    LEA SYMBOLS® Playing Cards

    These playing cards are specially designed to make it easy to measure near visual acuity in young children while teaching concepts of similar/different, big/small, bigger/smaller. The four packs contain 16 cards each with symbols of varying sizes: 16M...

  • LEA SYMBOLS® Single Symbol Book Set

    LEA SYMBOLS® Single Symbol Book Set

    The Single Symbol Book is designed for testing children and adults who have difficulties perceiving symbols in lines. The visual acuity values measured with single symbols are often several lines better than the line acuity values in persons with...

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