
LEA Symbols

  • LEA SYMBOLS®/HOTV Response Key

    LEA SYMBOLS®/HOTV Response Key

    Replacement LEA SYMBOLS® & HOTV Combination Response Key. LEA SYMBOLS® is on one side with HOTV Letters on the reverse. Note: All products sold on should be used by qualified clinician and should be purchased by or on...

  • LEA SYMBOLS®/HOTV VIC Flipchart Set

    LEA SYMBOLS®/HOTV VIC Flipchart Set

    Since 2001, the West Virginia Vision Initiative for Children (VIC), an outreach program of the West Virginia University Eye Institute, has trained, equipped, and supported individuals who are now able to screen preschoolers for vision problems...



    Lea Hyvärinen, MD, Ph.D., has created numerous vision assessment and screening products since designing her LEA SYMBOLS® (apple, house, circle, square) in 1976. Over time, individualized eye chart variations using LEA SYMBOLS® were...

  • Medium HEIDI® Fixation Paddle

    Medium HEIDI® Fixation Paddle

    The medium "smiling face" fixation paddle was developed based on studies by Robert Fanz. This fixation paddle is for assessing children with severe disabilities to determine the distance at which the children respond to a high-contrast face figure...

  • Runge LEA SYMBOLS® Pocket Card

    Runge LEA SYMBOLS® Pocket Card

    The Runge Near Vision Pocket Card with LEA SYMBOLS® features a format that is both easier and faster to use for near vision screening. Developed by an ophthalmologist, this Sloan letter near card mimics reading from left to right. The LEA...

  • Small HEIDI® Fixation Paddle

    Small HEIDI® Fixation Paddle

    This small 2" (5 cm) diameter smiling face fixation paddle was developed based on studies by Robert Fanz. Features include grating on the reverse side, small pictures of a bunny and a giraffe for demanding fixation, and pupil size and corneal diameter...

  • Ultimate VIP Test Set

    Ultimate VIP Test Set

    The Vision in Preschoolers (VIP) Study, sponsored by the National Eye Institute, initially evaluated 11 vision screening tests in Phase I, including 2 distance visual acuity eye charts – LEA SYMBOLS® and HOTV. LEA SYMBOLS® was the...

  • VIP Complete Package

    VIP Complete Package

    The Vision in Preschoolers (VIP) Study, sponsored by the National Eye Institute, initially evaluated 11 vision screening tests in Phase I, including 2 distance visual acuity eye charts – LEA SYMBOLS® and HOTV. LEA SYMBOLS® was the...

  • VIP Complete with PASS 2

    VIP Complete with PASS 2

    The Vision In Preschoolers (VIP) Study, sponsored by the National Eye Institute, initially evaluated 11 vision screening tests and found that LEA SYMBOLS® pediatric symbols were among the four most effective tests for young children...

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